Feeding Young Minds (FYM) is a small not for profit organization in the arts and education sector. Educationally, we provide bursaries to young ethnic students for academic and vocational goals promoting multicultural awareness, advancing diversity and inclusion. Artistically, our vision is tell stories digitally promoting our four pillars of humanity: advancing diversity, inclusivity, freedom and equaality. We aim to achieve our mission through producing multicultural digital and visual media projects, partnership building with our community artists and business institutions to develop large-scale initiatives whilst providing hands on multimedia training to our participants. We tell stories not only to educate our four pillars of humanity to all individuals but to celebrate diverse cultures and to show the world that more work is needed to ensure social changes are visible, practical and long lasting. We’re committed to provide hope and optimism for an authentic pluralistic society and for a better future.
We are passionate about digital storytelling that support artists with diverse background to tell their lived experiences that define who they are as migrants living in Australia. We are committed to empower young artists in the Victorian community to celebrate their diverse cultures. We believe creativity is that element in human existence that allows for change and transformation enabling both continuity and adaptability. When creativity is combined with multicultural stories based on lived experiences, artists are able to create influential visual media enabling us to perceive things differently. Culturally diverse artists are the agents of change and innovation.